Sunday, June 27, 2010


This blog is being written in anger over boys. Honestly, when do boys grow up? I need to meet a guy that's honest, blunt, above all things. I keep having all kinds of trouble with boys. The number 1 thing that pisses me off, is when people don't tell me their feelings. I understand they're men, I don't expect us to eat ice cream, watch chick flicks, and cry all night. Not even close. BUT, if I piss you off. TELL ME. If I do something to offend you, TELL ME. Nothing's ever going to be resolved if you don't tell me when i'm doing something wrong. The past couple guy's i've been interested in, decide to just randomly stop talking to me. Which is probably the most annoying thing ever. Just be a man, and tell me what it is. If you don't want to date me, fine. If you like someone else, fine. Whatever it is, just be a man about it. Don't just ignore me like were in 5th grade. Seriously. I'm able to leave you alone, and get over the fact that you're not interested if I just know the reasoning behind it. I'm so annoyed. When do people grow out of this stage?

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