Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 04; Your views on religion.

A little late, I started this last night but I've been sick and took a little NyQuil and got way to tired. haha.

But along with my last post, I agree that everyone has freedom of religion. But my personal beliefs I would be classified as an 'agnostic'. The definition is : Agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, as well as other religious and metaphysical claims—are (currently) unknown. Agnosticism can be defined in various ways, and is sometimes used to indicate doubt or a skeptical approach to questions. Technically, agnosticism is a stance about the difference between belief and knowledge, rather than about any specific claim or belief. In the popular sense, an agnostic is someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of a deity or deities, whereas a theist and an atheist believe and disbelieve, respectively.Philosopher William L. Rowe states that in the strict sense, however, agnosticism is the view that humanity does not currently possess the requisite knowledge and/or reason to provide sufficient rational grounds to justify the belief that deities either do or do not exist.

I suppose that basically sums it up. I don't choose to define my life by religion. I don't know what comes after death, but I deal with it, or not deal with it. When the time comes. I'd rather just live for now.

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